James Conwell, the driving force behind the optional fitness fee that was proposed by ASMSU, said that the feedback he received from his fellow students on the bill was "overwhelmingly positive."
He was right.
Regardless of whether or not students use the fitness centers on campus, they all seemed to respond enthusiastically and in support of the bill.
Not all of the students had heard about the bill, but once they learned its purpose they responded positively and in favor of the bill.
One student, who uses the fitness facilities but
admitted he did not use the fitness center on-campus, said he wouldn’t opt out
of the bill.
“Would I opt out of it? No,” said Matthew
Somaiah. “If it’s included in the tuition I would definitely do that.”
“I do want it to happen,” said Sara Stopchinski when asked
what she thought about the possible fitness fee. “I think I’d be more inclined
to go to the gym of it happened.”
“I think it will help the university’s image,” said
Stopchinski. “Nowadays, the most important thing is overall wellness.”